Tehran (IP) – Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran has said that Canada’s decision to designate the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps as a terrorist organization is a gift to the Zionist regime, terrorists and other enemies of peace and stability in the West Asia region.

Iran PressIran News: Ali Bagheri-Kani made the comment on Thursday on X, a day after the Canadian government took the measure against the IRGC.

Canada has followed in the footsteps of the US, in which it listed IRGC as a terrorist group in 2019.

“Canada's unlawful act of labeling an integral part of official armed forces of I.R. Iran that has had an unmatched role in defending the national security and territorial integrity of beloved Iran, in protecting the regional security and stability and in countering Da’esh terrorism, as terrorism, is a malicious provocation that violates the principles and rules of international law and is just a gift to the genocidal regime, terrorists and other enemies of regional peace and stability”, the Iranian acting foreign minister noted in his post.

He added that the “Canadian government will be responsible for the consequences of this provocative and irresponsible decision.”

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani had also denounced Canada’s “unwise decision”, describing it as a hostile act that runs contrary to international norms and principles.


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