Tehran (IP): Ali Bagheri spoke with Hakan Fidan over the phone, exchanging views on the latest developments in Palestine and the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip and Rafah.

Iran Press/Iran news: Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri spoke with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, discussing the recent developments in Palestine and the ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza and Rafah.

On behalf of the Iranian government and people, Bagheri expressed gratitude for the sympathy and condolence messages from top Turkish officials, particularly noting Turkey's declaration of national mourning for the martyred Iranian president and foreign minister.

Bagheri also commended the participation of the Turkish vice president and foreign minister in the commemoration ceremony for the martyred leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

With an upcoming meeting of foreign ministers from the D-8 group of eight developing Islamic countries in Istanbul, the acting Iranian foreign minister expressed hope that the two nations could discuss issues of mutual interest on the sidelines of this event.

Additionally, Bagheri highlighted the ongoing crimes committed by the Zionist regime against women, children, and innocent civilians in Gaza and Rafah.

He emphasized, “The aggression on Rafah, sealing the crossing in the region, and blocking the movement of cars and trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza are further evidence of the brutal and bloodthirsty nature of the Zionist regime.”

“The cooperation and synergy among Islamic countries create an important and effective capacity for supporting the oppressed people of Gaza,” Bagheri noted, urging Muslim states to utilize every opportunity to support the Palestinians.

For his part, Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan reiterated his condolences for the martyrdom of the Iranian president and foreign minister, praying for their forgiveness.

Fidan also stressed the need for coordination among Muslim states and praised the proposal by the Islamic Republic of Iran for an extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as highly valuable.

He further noted that the Zionist regime has imposed a blockade on Gaza aiming to annihilate the Palestinian population and emphasized that all capacities should be mobilized to halt the ongoing crimes and genocide by the Zionists against humanity.

He also mentioned the importance and productivity of continuing discussions between Tehran and Ankara on this issue and other significant bilateral and regional concerns.