Iran (IP) - The uprising of Imam Hussain (AS) was to establish the truth and revive the religion of God. The prayer of Imam Hussain in the afternoon of Ashura gave the message to all Muslims must keep the rituals of religion alive, especially prayer.

Iran PressIran news:  The cornerstone of Imam Hussain’s revival of Islam and his subsequent fate was that he refused to acknowledge Yazid’s caliphate when Yazid threatened him with death. The Imam’s refusal to acknowledge this caliphate was not based on personal reasons but was based on religious grounds. He knew that Yazid was not qualified for the caliphate, and Imam Hussain intended to protect the values of religion and of human dignity and freedom. Therefore, he would have rather been martyred as a free man than live in humiliation under the rule of the Umayyads.


Revival of authentic and pure Islam and removing the distortion and heresy from the religion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was what brought Hussain (AS) to Karbala. Heresies and deviations took root and turned into a dominant trend during the 20 years of Muawiya's rule, and its consequences reinforced heresy, deviation, hypocrisy, and corruption in that era. Yazid himself was the embodiment of all deviations and heresies. If Muawiya could show an appearance of being religious and deceive the masses due to his cleverness, Yazid could not even adhere to the religion and Sharia in appearance, and the reputation of his drunkenness, corruption and licentiousness had reached everywhere. He even participated in the obligatory Hajj ritual, which he went to at the insistence of his father.


The uprising of Imam Hussain (AS) was to establish the truth and revive the religion of God. The prayer of Imam Hussain (AS) in the afternoon of Ashura, until the Day of Resurrection, gave the message to all Muslims that their war, jihad, and sacrifice are to keep the signs of religion alive, especially prayer.

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Imam Hussain, like his grandfather the Holy Prophet Messenger of God (PBUH) and his noble father Ali (AS), loved to pray and in the state of prayer, he got so close to God. Imam Hussain is the embodiment of freedom and truthfulness. In his last prayer, he conveyed this message to humanity that life is nothing but seeking the truth and moving towards the absolute truth, that is God almighty, and prayer is a solid bridge that smooths the path of this movement. Prayer is the most beautiful manifestation of connection with the One Creator, God almighty. 


On the day of Ashura, when the afternoon came, blood covered Karbala's soil but at the same time, The voice of Hussain's prayer was echoed in the space: "O Lord, there is no god but you, I am patient in front of fate."


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One of the reasons for the longevity of Imam Hussein's movement is the shining of moral and human values, and prayer is the most beautiful manifestation of this true religiosity and connection with God. According to the verses of the Quran, Jesus Christ was also assigned to pray while he is alive.


The Holy Qur'an has considered prayer as a sign of faith, and it has been introduced as a pillar of religion in hadiths. Therefore, the most beautiful manifestation of the Ashura movement, giving importance to prayer, is at the beginning when Imam Hussain (AS) demonstrated it at the noon of Ashura. In the afternoon of Ashura, despite the intense heat, thirst and the danger of relentless enemy attacks, Imam Hussain (AS) stood for prayer. The fragrance of prayer was wrapped in the plain of Karbala, when arrows flew toward the worshipers from Yazid's army.


Imam Hussain (AS) proved to all awake consciences with his Ashura noon prayer that his goal in following the Ashura movement was to "seek true religion" and fulfill one's duty, and not worldly desires and carnal whims. Imam Hussain (AS) proved his honesty, purity, faith and originality as a divine leader by performing the Ashura noon prayer. 

Ashura noon prayer is the most important factor that makes the Ashura uprising as a divine movement different from other movements. And another point is that the Yazid corps; who introduced themselves as the servants of caliph of the Muslims by attacking Imam Hussain (AS) and not respecting the sanctity of prayer, exposing their evil and anti-religious nature and caused their own scandal. 219

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Philosophy of Imam Hussain's uprising

Ashkan Salehian