US unilateralism must terminate: Foreign Ministry Spokesman

Tehran(IP) - Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi wrote in a tweet on Friday that The United States must end its discredited unilateralism.

Iran PressIran news: Abbas Mousavi, while releasing an infographic on the withdrawal of the United States from international treaties, wrote that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is neither the first nor the last multilateral achievement from which Trump withdrew.

"The US regime seeks to secure its short-term benefits at the expense of countries' long-term prosperity. This regime must end its discredited unilateralism."

The US has circulated a draft UN resolution that would indefinitely extend a UN arms embargo on Iran set to expire in October, US officials and UN diplomats said on Tuesday.

The move will almost certainly spark opposition from Russia, which has made no secret of its desire to resume conventional weapons sales to Tehran, according to the Associated Press.

The draft document, which as of Tuesday had been circulated only to a small number of Security Council members, would strike the expiration of the arms embargo from the council resolution that endorsed the 2015 nuclear deal between six major powers and Iran, according to Trump administration officials and UN diplomats, who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The lifting of UN arms embargoes is part of the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (CJAP), which provides for UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which was adopted to end UN Security Council Resolution on October 19.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message said Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is part of UNSCR 2231 and advised US secretary of state to read the resolution.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has recently claimed that the US is still a participant to the UNSC Resolution 2231 and can request an extension of Iran’s arms embargo based on the Article 11 of the Resolution.

With its unilateral exit from Iran nuclear deal two years ago, the United States violated its commitments under the 2015 multilateral accord and a subsequent UNSC Resolution 2231 as well.

Read More:

Russia declares solidarity with Iran against US anti-human sanctions

Iran: US not in a position to raise issues related to JCPOA


Hossein Vaez