IP- The conference "New world order from the point of view of Russian elites and standing against unilateralism" was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the presence of Russian elites, thinkers, university professors, Iranologists, and researchers.

Iran PressIran News: Delivering his speech at the conference Kazem Jalali, Iran's ambassador to Russia, said the leader of the revolution repeatedly referred to the formation of a new world order and the decline of the U.S. order.

The ambassador stated that the current deteriorating order was the result of the developments of the previous decades and is no longer effective today.

Jalali pointed out the negative consequences of unilateralism on peace, security, prosperity, and justice in the world and added that the conflict and injustice in the world, including the US attack on Iraq, and Afghanistan and instability in Syria, Yemen, and Palestine, is the result of the unilateral policy of the US and the West.

Stating that Iran's foreign policy is based on standing against American unilateralism and Tehran's role in multilateralism approaches, Jalali added the unilateral approach against independent countries is a big threat to the world.

The Russian participants also evaluated the way of Russia's interaction and the axis of standing against unilateralism, the structural features of the new world order, and the role of Iran and Russia in the new world order as important.


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Hossein Vaez