Iran Press/ America: Wednesday, September 11, while the House of Representatives debated whether to approve or reject President Javier Milei's veto of the Pension Mobility Law, groups of retirees, the CGT (General Confederation of Labor of the Argentine Republic), left-wing organizations, and social movements gathered in front of the National Congress.
What was the pension mobility bill about?
The regulation aimed to restore retirees' benefits. Specifically, if inflation fell below the Average Taxable Compensation of State Employees (RIPTE), retirees would receive 50% of the difference through a biannual adjustment.
However, the ruling party and its allies managed to overpower a broad sector of the opposition, which failed to gather the two-thirds of votes needed to insist on the law that sought to improve pension benefits and was vetoed by Javier Milei.
The vote resulted in 153 in favor of insisting on the regulation, compared to 87 against and 8 abstentions.
"I am just another retiree among the many of us here demanding decent salaries, the return of the medications that were taken from us, and all the social coverage we had nine months ago. I came to raise awareness," said one of the retirees who attended the march.
Similarly, another attendee stated, "I am not retired. I am marching for the retirees. This is and should be, a non-partisan march where we all come to defend the most vulnerable, in this case, the retirees. It cannot be that retirees are once again paying for the cuts. The president lied during the campaign, which is why I am here and will be at any march called in support of the retirees."
Although the march started peacefully, just after the voting ended, a group of protesters knocked down one of the barricades, which led to a clash with police.
At least 12 people were injured and three arrested.
Hossein Vaez