Abuja (IP): Sheikh Nura Khalid a famous Sunni Muslim cleric and human rights activist in Nigeria told Iran Press that the assassination of former Hamas political chief, Ismail Haniyeh would never stop the struggle for the establishment of Palestine and his funeral prayer led by the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran shows the unity of the Muslim Ummah of the world.

Iran Press/Africa: Sheikh Nura Khalid in an exclusive interview with Iran Press in Abuja, said that only the creation of a sovereign country of Palestine will bring an end to the Palestinian struggles.

"Whether there is Islmail Haniyah or not, the struggle for the freedom of  Palestine will not stop. It was not he who started it, therefore, after his martyrdom, the battle would not end. The only thing that will end the struggle is to establish a sovereign country for the Palestinians, " He added.

The senior Sunni Muslim cleric who is also the head of Islamic Research and Da'awah Foundation in Nigeria said that the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh should not be seen as a loss to the Muslims of the world because God willing, it will be beneficial as it already created unity among the entire Muslims' world.

When answering Iran Press' question on the funeral prayer for martyr Haniyah which millions of Muslims participated in Tehran, the senior Islamic cleric said: "There are two things that ensured that the right person to lead the funeral prayer for the remains of Ismail Haniyah was Ayatollah Khamenei. First, is to create more unity among the Muslim ummah.

"Secondly, he was assassinated in Iran and that was why the Iranian administration and the Muslim ummah of Iran needed to pray for him and that's why the remaining burial was held in Qatar, and that is another sign of unity," Sheikh Nura Khalid said.


Hossein Vaez