Iran Press/ Iran news: Among the Arab countries of West Asia, Iraq has the most cultural and religious similarities with Iran.
Having the longest border among the neighbors (about 1258 km of land border and 351 km of water border), together with racial, historical, and linguistic ties, religious commonalities and the existence of threats and the common security and economic interests are considered important points in Iran-Iraq relations.
The expansion of Iran-Iraq relations in recent years has always been on the agenda of the authorities of the two countries due to the many cultural, political, and religious commonalities.
Yahya Al-Ishaq, head of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce, stated that exports to Iraq continue without any obstacles, and said:
"The published news about stopping or disrupting trade with this country is not true and is just a psychological war to create an inappropriate atmosphere in the relations between the two countries."
Al-Ishaq stated that the relations between Iran and Iraq are very strong in various fields, and added: "Exports to Iraq continue and even an increase in trade exchanges is expected."
The head of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce noted: "With the new banking sanctions of the United States, the monitoring of the Iraqi banks and transfers in terms of dollars has increased, which has led to restrictions."
Al-Ishaq also said: The supply of dollars in the Iraqi market has decreased and its price has increased, which has harmed the business of this country.
The head of the Iran-Iraq joint chamber of commerce emphasized that Iran-Iraq trade relations are safe and said: "With the establishment of balance in the Iraqi dinar and dollar market by the government of this country, the fluctuating atmosphere will be reduced and the problems will be solved."
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