Vienna (IP)- Iran's chief negotiator in the Vienna talks, expressing satisfaction with the progress of the negotiations, wrote that talks on reviving JCPOA will continue after a short break.

Iran PressIran news: Ali Bagheri Kani said in his latest tweet released on Friday: "Following our consultations with other delegations, yesterday,  @enriquemora & I met to take stock of the situation & discuss the way forward."

Iran's top negotiator concluded: "We have made good progress this week. We will convene a Joint Commission today & will continue talks after a break of a few days."

The Joint Commission on JCPOA will be held today (Friday) between the senior negotiators of the P4 + 1 group, the European Union, and Iran.

The meeting will be held at the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers and Political Directors of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the P4 + 1 Group, chaired by Ali Bagheri Kani, Chief negotiator of Iran, and European External Action Service (EEAS) Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora. 

This round of talks began last Thursday, and the delegations started working on the drafts and trying to reduce differences immediately after the Joint Commission meeting. Discussions on the drafts and texts were not limited to working groups, and the parties were working in different formats and levels in the two areas of lifting sanctions and nuclear issues.


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If everyone cooperates, progress is possible: Iran's envoy

Ali Akbar khandan