The Syrian Foreign Ministry stressed that the official US reports on Raqqa and the investigation into the scale of the catastrophe are absolutely false and that the United Nations should investigate the destruction of the city and the killing of thousands of its residents.

Iran PressMiddle East: Syria sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and to the UN Security Council about the war crimes of the US-led international coalition in the city of Raqqa in 2017, the Syrian Foreign Ministry announced in a statement released by SANA.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it clear that the US military operation carried out by the forces of the illegitimate international coalition in Raqqa in the period from June to October 2017, led to the almost complete destruction of the city and thousands of its civilians," the Syrian Foreign Ministry statement indicated.

In its official letter to the UN, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that the “time has come to shed light on this humanitarian, political and legal issue."

“US official sources have admitted to the killing and injuring of 240 civilians in Raqqa out of 38 different incidents," the Ministry highlighted.

The letter stressed that the goal of the coalition's operation was to destroy infrastructure and public and private property and target civilians.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry pointed out that it will continue to raise the issue of Raqqa, Al-Baghouz, the Euphrates Dam, and other Syrian regions which were targeted and destroyed by the international coalition.

“Syria reserves its right in holding governments of states that were involved with 'the US Coalition' the political, moral and legal responsibility for the crimes perpetrated by the military forces and for the losses and damages that affected the private and public properties," the letter concluded. 219


Ashkan Salehian