A new independent report has found refugees have been subjected to serious human rights violations at a camp on the Italian island of Lampedusa.

The report  presented at the Italian parliament’s press office, warned that some of the refugees have even resorted to self-harm.

According to the report, the situation in the refugee camp at Lampedusa is ''intolerable''.  Migrants spend months at the refugee camp because of transfer delays, often in dismal conditions that are in some cases ''unacceptable''.

Meanwhile, the European Commission for Prevention of Torture (CPT), in a report  released on Tuesday, said Italy should move forward on reforms to modify laws by introducing criteria that regulate restrictions on migrants' freedom, and indicate ways to appeal against it.

The Rome's Centro Astalli, a Jesuit refugee center also presented its annual report for 2017 highlighting less arrivals on Italian shores and more difficulties for those seeking protection and integration. According to the Astalli report, a growing number of migrants are living on Italy's streets.

The European Union has set up five "hotspots" each in Italy and Greece, conceived as transit centers where migrants and refugees arriving on European coasts should be formally identified, registered, and channelled on to other centers shortly afterwards. The prolonged stay of migrants in these so-called "hotspots" is itself a problem.