Ankara (IP)- The ritual of commemorating the 21st night of the holy month of Ramadan, the second Qadr night, was held in Ankara, the capital of Türkiye.

Iran PressAsia: Laylat al-Qadr, (Qadr nights) Islamic ceremony commemorates the night on which God first revealed the Qurʾān to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibrīl).

According to Iran Press, the ceremony was held at the office of Iran's Cultural Attaché in Ankara with a large presence of Iranians living in Türkiye. 

The participants recited the Quran and Joshan Kabir prayer.

They also mourned the martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS) by beating their chests.

Imam Ali (AS), whom Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared as “Amir al-Mo’menin” (The Leader of the Faithful), was martyred on the twenty-first day of Ramadan over thirteen centuries ago. 


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Afghan Muslims observe Qadr Night's rituals held in Afghanistan

Farhad Nayeb