Rouhani orders Education Min. to make plans for next school year

Tehran (IP) - Iran's President has ordered the Education Minister to make the necessary plans for the next school year and conduct educational activities while observing health protocols.

Iran Press/Iran news: In a phone call with the Minister of Education Mohsen Haji-Mirzaei on Friday, Hassan Rouhani said: "Coronavirus is not over yet and that we must continue to be ready to live with the disease in the future."

"Education ministry must make the necessary plans for the next school year and conduct educational activities, and examine the situation with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health to design the necessary protocols and submit them to the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus for approval," he added.

The President instructed Haji-Mirzaei to cooperate with the Health Ministry to follow health protocols in schools for conducting face-to-face exams at some education levels in such a way that students and their parents do not have any worries or concerns.

Rouhani also thanked the country's education staff and teachers for their attempts despite the problems made by the spread of coronavirus, not closing education and fulfilling the slogan of "closure of school is not closure of education", saying: "It is important to use the cyberspace and distance learning so that students continue learning."

The President also said that taking advantage of the experiences of the past few months in the field of distance learning and ensuring the effectiveness of programs and the elimination of shortcomings in non-face-to-face and internet-based education to prepare for the start of the next school year and maintain quality.

Rouhani said: "Educational centers and teachers should provide access to quality and complete education for all students, and planning should be done carefully to prevent disruption in student education and the loss of educational opportunities."

The President referred to the involvement of most families in educating their children and the active participation of students in the learning process as positive developments in the result of coronavirus outbreak, as well as teachers and school teaching staff who have been working in recent weeks to address problems and answer students' questions.


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Mojtaba Darabi