Tehran (IP) - President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, attended a ceremony at the University of Tehran on Wednesday morning to commemorate National Student Day on December 7.

Iran PressIran News:  President Raisi delivered his speech at Tehran University in attendance of university professors and students.

Americans after destroying Iran

A strong Iran is definitely not desired by the Americans, and they are looking for the destruction of Iran, like Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and other countries that have been invaded by this country, but Iran, unlike other countries and territories, has men and women with honor and dignity who will never allow such conspiracies to be carried out by the Americans," President Raisi said.

Raisi called National Student Day a symbol of anti-enmity, insight, and a sense of responsibility of the country's student community, and added: "Indeed, December 7 should be a symbol and expression of growth, and the knowledge of the conditions of the country by the universities should always be respected."

Referring to the continuous communication between the government and the student community of the country on all days of the year, the President said: "I consider the communication between the government and the university to be a necessity, and I truly believe that the university, as the think tank of the government, can help the government solve the country's problems. I have addressed the statesmen, emphasising that communication with the elite society should be considered along with presence among the people".

Raisi stated that before attending this ceremony, some people advised me not to participate in this ceremony. He also clarified: "I answered that those who seek to shut down science do not go to university, and the 13th Administration wants to strengthen science and increase science in universities."

It was for this reason that after the improvement of the country's COVID-19 conditions, the government made its first priority to resume the activities of the universities because the vitality and dynamism of the country, as well as the progress and honors of the country's scientists, are the product of the university."

The Iranian President added: "Today, our university defeated the enemy, and for that reason, they wanted to create chaos in this space and close the classrooms, but the educated professors and students did not allow them to do so."

Emphasising the difference between unrest and protest, Raisi stated that the protest aims to improve affairs and construct things, but the result of unrest is destruction and insecurity. 

On December 7, 1953, upon the arrival of the US' then-Vice President Richard Nixon, the troops of 'Shah' opened fire on the students of Tehran University's Faculty of Engineering, killing and wounding dozens of Students.

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Ahmad Ghandchi, Mahdi Shariat-Razavi, and Mostafa Bozorgnia were martyred.

Student Day commemorates a moment in the history of the Iranian nation's fight against the US interventionist policies; therefore, the Azar 16 is of paramount importance in the formation of student campaigns and giving identity to them in Iran. 


Read More:

Student Day, symbol of US scandal before Iran: Parliament Speaker

Student Day; Iran Press open discussion in Tabriz University

Hossein Vaez