Polls opened in Turkey’s fiercely fought elections in which Turks will be electing both a president and parliament for a five-year term.

Iran PressAsia: Polls have opened in Turkey’s fiercely fought presidential and parliamentary elections in which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is facing the biggest political challenge of his two-decade rule.

His main opponent is CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who represents an election coalition of six opposition parties. For the first time, Turkey’s factious opposition has coalesced around a single candidate.

If no candidate secures more than half the votes in the first round of voting, a May 28 run-off will be held.

Key election issues are the economy, earthquakes, brain drain, refugees, and values and identity.

To win the presidency in the first round, a candidate must obtain more than 50 percent of ballots cast.

If no candidate secures more than half of the votes, a May 28 runoff will be held between the two leading candidates.

Voters will also select 600 members of parliament. Forecasts and commentaries about the vote are banned until 6 pm (13:00 GMT).

Reports on some aspects of the election are then allowed, but media are only free to report on election results rolling in from across Turkey from 9 pm (18:00 GMT).


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Severe competition in Turkish elections

Mojtaba Darabi