Azadshahr (IP) - The Narcissus harvest festival was held in the largest integrated Narcissus Garden in Iran in Azadshahr city of Golestan province.

Iran PressIran news: Every year, more than 100,000 narcissus flowers are harvested from the largest narcissus flower farm in Iran, which plays an important role in job creation and the national economy in addition to booming tourism.

The most consumption of narcissus produced in Azadshahr city is in domestic markets and some of it is exported to Iraq.

Tourists travel to Azadshahr city to see the largest narcissus flower farm in Iran during the flowering days of the narcissus plant to see the beauty of this farm.

At the same time as narcissus was harvested, a festival was held in the largest narcissus farm in Iran with the presence of tourists, and the beauty of narcissus was shown to them.


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Zohre Khazaee
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi
Photographer: Mohammad Ataei-Mohammadi