FM Spox.:

Tehran (IP) - The spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanaani, emphasized that the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council's statement about Kuwait and Saudi Arabia's ownership of the Arash gas field lacks validity.

Iran PressIran news: At Monday's news conference, in response to the statement of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, which claims that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia own Arash field, Kanaani said: "We have stated our positions based on international laws many times. Making a baseless and one-sided claim will naturally not create any rights for the claimant".

The Iranian diplomat added: "To exploit the joint resources in the Persian Gulf and the Arash field, the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on its bilateral negotiations with the government of Kuwait and the records of the negotiations that exist, has always emphasized on constructive cooperation based on common interests and in the talks with the Kuwaiti authorities has stressed the legal and technical issues".

"We are trying to create a positive and constructive atmosphere, provide common interests, and resolve disputed issues through technical and friendly talks." The Iranian diplomat said and added: "Raising these issues in the media and unilateral statements is not helpful in any way."

1st phase of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project to be completed by Islamabad 

The Spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project has been approved by the Pakistan Energy Committee and the Pakistani side has committed to implement the first phase of this project from the border zero point to Gwadar port.

Kanaani stated: "Continuous negotiations have been held in this regard, and the Pakistani side has committed to implement the first phase of this project from the border zero point to Gwadar port, and this project has also been approved by the Pakistan Energy Committee.

Elsewhere, regarding the cooperation between Iran and Russia, he said: "Military cooperation between Iran and Russia is conventional and based on common interests, which started before the war in Ukraine and will continue and is not against any country. Of course, we do not consider war to be the right way to resolve disputes, and we are ready to mediate to end the war in Ukraine."

Furthermore; he also accused the West of supporting one side of the conflict and inciting war. In response to the possibility of Italy joining the coalition against Yemen, he described it as non-constructive and demanded that the parties refrain from increasing tensions in the region.

Speaking on Iran's claim from Helmand River, Nasser Kanaani pointed to the proven right of Iran and said:

"The authorities of the Afghan caretaker government have repeatedly declared their adherence to the treaty and Iran's claim, but we expect the officials of the Afghan caretaker government to go beyond mere statements."

Iran strongly lambastes PGCC final statement provisions 

The Spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs lambastes provisions associated with Iran's territorial integrity in the final statement of the foreign ministers meeting of PGCC.

Referring to the final statement of the recent meeting of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Kannani said:

"It is unfortunate to raise controversial issues in the meetings of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council. We strongly condemn the provisions associated with Iran's territorial integrity in the final statement of foreign ministers meeting."

Kanaani further warned: "The three islands are an integral and eternal part of Iran, and mentioning them in the final statements lacks any political and legal value."

Iran's Top diplomat emphasized: "We declared our sovereignty over the three Iranian islands."

"Kanaani then stated: "Persian Gulf Cooperation Council is not in a position to comment on the sovereign measures taken, also, the statements of the high officials about Bu Musa or the trip to an island that belongs to Iran forever, are baseless."


Read more:

Tehran urges dialogue over Arash gas field

Zohre Khazaee