New York(IP)- Iran's ambassador to the United Nations called on the world body's Department of Global Communications to ratchet its efforts to inform the international community about the adverse effects of sanctions on the targeted countries.

Iran PressAmerica: Majid Takht-e Ravanchi, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, called the sanctions contrary to the principles of international and the humanitarian law of the UN Charter and asked for continued efforts by the UN global communications department to address the negative impacts of unilateral sanctions on sanctions-stricken countries and ordinary people.

Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations said in a speech to the UN General Assembly Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, condemning the unilateral, illegal sanctions noted that the sanctions had "both weakened the trend of economic growth in the target countries and come to prevent their access to basic medical equipment and materials by restricting access to overseas' financial resources."

The senior diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran also denounced some countries' abuse of their monopoly of modern communication technologies towards "skewing the truth" about other countries, especially the developing nations.

"It is imperative that this unfavorable situation be immediately addressed by the international community," he said.

Referring to the growing phenomenon of Islamophobia in the West, Takht-e Ravanchi said: "In this regard, we call on the United Nations Department of Global Communications to continue to counter hatred of Islam and Muslims by commemorating 15 March as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia."

Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said: "It is time for the international community to condemn this phenomenon and take the necessary measures to combat Islamophobia and the violation of the basic rights of Muslims."

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Moreover, Underscoring the growing demand for content in languages other than the official United Nations languages, he encouraged the issuance of media products in all official and non-official languages, including Persian, pointing out that more than 120 million people around the globe speak the language, and that it is widely regarded as a source of understanding and solidarity among several nations.

Finally, "Iran commends the Department’s special information program on the question of Palestine, including its training program for Palestinian journalists," he said.


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