Moscow (IP) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that Iran would be admitted to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a full member on the 4th of July, further strengthening the Islamic Republic’s ties to China and Russia.

Iran PressEurope: Lavrov said that “Iran's full membership will be formalized” at the upcoming SCO summit on July 4, according to Russia’s official news agency TASS.

“From now on, the SCO space, taking into account both new members and dialogue partner states, stretches from Europe and the Middle East to South and Southeast Asia,” said the diplomat.

India will host the July summit, though it will be conducted virtually.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a security and trade cooperation organization for Eurasian states. It was founded by Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan in 2001.

India and Pakistan joined in 2017. The SCO also has several dialogue partners and observers across Asia, including the Middle East.

Iran became an observer in the SCO back in 2005. Iran’s application to become a full member was accepted in 2021. Last year, Iran signed a memorandum of obligations to join as a permanent member.

SCO membership could benefit Iran. Iran is seeking more trade with SCO member states, as well as better relations in general with Russia and China.

According to the official Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran’s trade with SCO countries increased 31% to more than $17 billion from March to August of last year.


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