Iran Press/Iran news: Iran is ranked first for published scientific articles in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) among Middle Eastern countries, with 1813 articles published in well-known scientific journals.
According to SCImago, the overall ranking of Iran in this field is 9th in the world. In 2018, Iran received 1672 references in the same year, in this regard, Iran Press reported.
Turkey is the world's 12th major country in the field of artificial intelligence, stands second in the region after Iran, followed by Suadi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and so on.
Iran stands first in producing scientific articles in the field of artificial intelligence among regional countries
In 2017, Iran with 54,388 documents, 51,614 citable documents and 28,813 citations in the international papers, ranked first among the Middle-Eastern countries which were assessed for their production of scientific documents.
In a period of 7 years, Iran managed to remain in the first place in the Middle-East region.
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