Iran's representative in the first committee of the UN General Assembly called the measures to weaponize outer space and cyberspace worrying.

Iran PressAmerica: Heydar Ali Balouji, a member of the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, explained Iran's principled positions in the field of disarmament and international security in the First Committee of the 77th United Nations General Assembly. 

Referring to unconventional security threats and new threats, he announced that in the current situation, the situation of international peace and security has deteriorated.

The representative of Iran in the first committee of the UN General Assembly added: "The increase in tensions along with the modernization and nuclear arms race will lead the world to a cold war and even a nuclear conflict."

This diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran, referring to the unprecedented increase in the world's weapons expenditure of around two trillion and one hundred billion dollars in 2021, stated that the military costs and nuclear weapons of the United States are still at the highest level compared to other countries.

Balouji added that with the decline of international nuclear arms control treaties and the unfortunate failure of two consecutive revision conferences of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the implementation of the binding legal obligation of nuclear powers according to Article 6 of the NPT has not been realized, which this has led the nuclear powers to strengthen their arsenals.

He clarified that the Zionist regime has also prevented nuclear disarmament at the regional level, emphasizing that the international system must put pressure on the nuclear activities of this regime to make this regime a non-nuclear member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Referring to the JCPOA and the problems caused by the illegal withdrawal of the United States in 2018 and the reimposition of sanctions, the advisor of Iran's delegation to the United Nations noted that the next actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran are in accordance with the rights stipulated in the JCPOA while adhering to its commitments. 219


Ashkan Salehian