New York (IP) - Iran UN's envoy stated that ICT governance should be developed in a manner that does not adversely affect the rights of states to determine their development and governance, and called for legislation concerning the ICT environment only used for peaceful purposes.

Iran PressAmerica: Amir Saeed Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, said on Thursday, Before the United Nations Security Council On "Maintenance of International Peace and Security while Addressing the Evolving Threat in Cyberspace” in New York, 20 June 2024:

"Information communication and technology (ICT) has become an integral part of global communication, business, and governance, offering numerous opportunities while at the same time introducing evolving threats."

Iran's ambassador to the United Nations went on to state that dealing with emerging threats in the ICT environment "requires a multifaceted approach encompassing technological, legal, and cooperative strategies adding:  "Iran has been the primary target and main victim of numerous cyberattacks on its infrastructure, significantly disrupting public services and governmental functions."

"Clear examples include the Stuxnet and Duqu attacks on Iran's peaceful nuclear facilities, as well as cyberattacks on critical industrial infrastructures such as steel, petrochemical industries, and gas stations. "added, Iravani.

Iran's Top Diplomat further stressed: "ICT governance should be developed in a manner that does not adversely affect the rights of states to determine their development, governance, and legislation concerning the ICT environment."

Iravani concluded: "We strongly believe that the ICT environment must be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. To this end, the UN must continue its central role through the OEWG (Open-ended Working Group) to develop legally binding obligations to prevent the use of ICTs for malicious purposes and maintain this domain for exclusive purposes."