Tehran (IP) - Iran strongly condemned the US new sanctions on Iranian petrochemicals and petroleum, saying that the fresh sanctions are the continued failed policy of former US president Trump.

Iran PressIran news: The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on companies it accused of playing a critical role in the production, sale and shipment of Iranian petrochemicals and petroleum to buyers in Asia, as Washington increases pressure on Tehran.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani strongly condemned new US sanctions on a number of petrochemical companies, saying President Joe Biden continues the failed policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

"The US recourse to illegal and unilateral sanctions proves the legitimacy of Tehran’s position and Washington’s ill will and hypocrisy toward Iran and the JCPOA,” he added.

Kanani said Biden’s policy of sanctions would “only make Iran determined to diligently pursue its national development goals and exploit its legal and undeniable rights.”

The Foreign Ministry spokesman added that “the imposition of unilateral coercive measures contravenes the accepted norms and principles of international law.” 


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