IP- The International Quds Day was held in Minsk mosque with the presence of diplomats and envoys of Islamic countries and non-Islamic countries.

Iran PressEurope: According to IranPress news agency, Abu Bakr Sabanovic Grand Mufti of Minsk, condemned the Israeli regime's crimes in the Palestinian territories and emphasized solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Alireza Sanei, Iran's ambassador to Belarus, also said, the only way for the victory of the Palestinian nation is resistance, and the support of the Muslim nations and the free people of the world for the Palestinians.

Referring to the historical role of Imam Khomeini in naming the last Friday of the month of Ramadan as International Quds Day, Ahmed Mohammed al-Madbuh the Palestinian ambassador in Belarus called the Islamic countries and freedom lovers of the world to help the oppressed people of Palestine.


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Int'l Quds Day marked in Tajikistan

ahmad shirzadian