A 28-year-old Frenchman who described himself as a right-wing or extreme-right "patriot" was sentenced to four months in prison Thursday for slapping President Emmanuel Macron in the face.

Iran PressEurope: A French court has sentenced a 28-year-old man to four months in prison for slapping France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, in the face.

Damien Tarel was quickly arrested after the swipe that caught Macron’s left cheek with an audible thwack on Tuesday, as the French leader was greeting a crowd.

During Thursday's trial, Tarel testified that the attack was impulsive and unplanned, and prompted by anger at France's "decline."

The court in the southeast city of Valence convicted Tarel on Thursday on a charge of violence against a person invested with public authority. He was given four months in prison and an additional 14-month suspended sentence and was banned from ever holding public office and from owning weapons for five years.

French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face on Tuesday by a man in a crowd of onlookers while on a walkabout in southern France, a video of the incident showed.

Macron’s security entourage quickly intervened to pull the man to the ground and move Macron away from him.