Bojnourd (IP) - Two brothers in Bojnourd, the capital of North Khorasan Province in northeastern Iran, who had gone to China to study, returned to Iran with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease and began producing face masks in their hometown.

Iran PressIran News: In an interview with Iran Press, one of the two mask manufacturers said that in 2015, he and his brother went to study in China and, in addition to studying, started teaching Taekwondo in China. The young man added that with the outbreak of the coronavirus, the situation in China has become difficult and he has returned to Iran with his brother.

"Then the coronavirus virus spread in Iran, and we decided to bring a face mask making machine to Iran to help our compatriots," said the young Iranian manufacturer.


Read more:

Iran ready to export masks, medical gowns: FDA head

Photo: Production of masks in Tabriz mosques by volunteers

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Farhad Nayeb