Iran's Permanent Representative to the UN announced support for the constructive negotiations between the Syrian government and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Iran PressAmerica: Iran's permanent ambassador to the UN, Amir-Saeed Iravani said that Iran once again condemns in the strongest possible terms the use of chemical weapons anywhere, by anyone, at any time, and under any circumstances. 

He made the remarks in a UN Security Council Session held to address the expired case of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

The Iranian envoy added: "I congratulate Japan on assuming the presidency of the Security Council this month. I acknowledge Guyana for its successful conclusion of the presidency in February."

Iravani stated: "Iran once again condemns in the strongest possible terms the use of chemical weapons anywhere, by anyone, at any time, and under any circumstances. We underscore once more that any investigation into the use of chemical weapons must be impartial, professional, credible, and objective, and must fully comply with the requirements and procedures of the Chemical Weapons Convention."

Iran's ambassador to the UN said: "Equally crucial, the OPCW must be able to perform its duties in an impartial, professional, and objective manner to establish facts and develop evidence-based conclusions. We reiterate our call that the Convention must be implemented fully, effectively, and without discrimination. We believe that politicizing the application of the Convention and exploiting the OPCW for political reasons endangers the credibility of both the Organization and the Convention."

Iravani addressing the UN Security Council emphasized: "As a committed party to the Convention, the Syrian Arab Republic continues to uphold its commitments and cooperate closely with the OPCW, the Syrian National Authority not only submitted monthly reports detailing activities within Syria but also actively facilitated the 26th round of consultations for the Declaration Assessment Team, held from January 23rd to February 1st, 2024, by providing necessary facilities for the team's mission to succeed."

Iravani continued: "Additionally, the Syrian National Authority facilitated the tenth round of inspections of the Scientific Studies and Research Center in December 2023. The reports of the Technical Secretariat confirm that Syria provided the required assistance, access, and support, including administrative and logistical matters as requested by the inspection team to implement its objectives. This is another piece of evidence that underscores Syria's ongoing cooperation with the Technical Secretariat."

Iravani reiterated that Iran calls on certain countries to refrain from making baseless political accusations against Syria or premature judgments before the conclusion of such consultations.

He added that Iran supports the continued constructive dialogue between Syria and the OPCW to address any remaining issues and bring the file to a final and conclusive resolution. This approach is pivotal for ensuring transparency, accountability, and the satisfactory resolution of all outstanding issues.

Iran regrets that certain Western countries have pursued the adoption of a contentious and politicized resolution during the 28th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention, Iravani added.

Iravani concluded that this resolution, unfortunately, seeks to further the political agenda of certain states and comes at a crucial juncture when the Syrian government is diligently working towards improving humanitarian conditions and the provision of essential services. We call on constructive efforts of the Security Council and expect a positive role from the Council members.

Ashkan Salehian