Tehran (IP)- Top 5 brilliant Muslim scholars were granted awards in the 3rd round of Mustafa Prize ceremony coincided with the birthday of the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammad (PBUH).

Iran Press/Iran News: The laureate scholars for Mustafa Prize are from Iran and Turkey, who have presented research studies in the fields of anti-cancer vaccines, cancer detection, Nano-Bio tech, IT, and stem-cells.

The ceremony was held on Monday in Vahdat Hall in Tehran, capital of Iran, attended by the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi, Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari and other nominated figures across the world.

The laureates receiving the award were Ali Khadem al-Husseini, Hussein Baharvand, and Mohammad Abdolvand from Iran for their research studies on nano-bio hydrogels, stem cells, and new ways of cancer diagnosis respectively. Also, Dr. U?ur ?ahin and Dr. Umran Inan from Turkey won awards for their research studies on anti-cancer therapeutic vaccines and wave and particle interaction near-Earth respectively.

Reza Safarinia, the head of Mustafa Prize ceremony stated that Mustafa Prize is trying to be the center of Islamic capabilities and prepare the ground for any Islamic cooperation, making efforts to accredit the scientists' activities.

Speaking at the Mustafa Prize ceremony, Sattari said: "Iranian young scientists have made great achievements in Nanotechnology and are neck with neck with the western world even surpassing them by relying on their own capabilities."

The Mustafa Prize, approved by Iran's High Council of Cultural Revolution in 2012, aims to prepare the ground for the scientific and technological cooperation and development in Muslim societies.

The main focus of the Prize is identifying and introducing the bests of science and technology of the Muslim world who are nominated from among Muslim scholars.

The Mustafa Prize is awarded to nominees in four categories of communication and information, bio-medical, nano-technology, and general.


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