Iran Press/ Asia: Speaking to reporters in Ankara, Koca said, 14,396 tests had been conducted in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of tests carried out in Turkey to 106,799 since the outbreak began. He said Turkey would conduct 20,000-25,000 tests per day next week and then reach 30,000 tests shortly after.
Koca also said the outbreak had reached all 81 provinces in Turkey and added that 60% of cases were seen in Istanbul. Koca said that the western coastal province of Izmir and Ankara were the provinces with most cases after Istanbul.
In late December 2019, Chinese authorities notified WHO about an outbreak of previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, central China. On March 11, WHO officially characterized the situation with the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19 disease) as a pandemic.
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Turkey tightens restrictions to curb coronavirus as its death toll hikes