Iran Press/ Iran News: In response to the question raised by the Iran Press on taken measures in the past year by the Judiciary as an independent institution in Iran while speaking on the occasion of 'National Judiciary Week,' Gholam-Hussein Mohseni-Ezhe'i highlighted on Sunday: "We must all serve people, criticize and comment on each other during our service, it is necessary to preserve both the society and public civil rights.
The first deputy Judiciary chief Gholam-Hussein Mohseni-Ezhe'i underlined: "Iran's judicial system has issued instructions to respect individuals' rights; whether they are defendants or plaintiffs, for instance, if couples face problems with each other, their rights should be restored in such a way that none of them nor the society are harmed."
Emphasizing the Judicial Transformation Document, which is the first strategic document and has been written after the Leader's statement on the second phase of the Islamic Revolution, the judiciary official noted that this document should be people-oriented, applicable, up-to-date, with belief in the dignity of the people, paying special attention to youth.
Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, people from all walks of life welcomed the high-ranking officials of the judiciary in the provincial trips holding face-to-face meetings with people to solve their problems.
Regarding the smartening of the judiciary and e-services, he said: "We have taken many steps in this regard, and this document itself speaks of smartening, and the use of information technology is mentioned in this document."
As for the 'production surge,' he expressed hope that production, budget structure, and banking problems would be solved soon.
“The enemies have done their best not to allow the Islamic Revolution to be established via their influence, but under Imam Khomeini’s leadership, the Islamic Revolution has been established in a short time," he said.
“People voted in favor of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a significant turnout, though enemies waged extensive civil and foreign wars and launching propaganda against it, many elites of the country were assassinated,” the top Judiciary official noted.
Congratulating President-elect Ebrahim Raisi, Ezhe'i said: "Last year despite coronavirus outbreak, the high ranking judiciary officials have traveled to Iran's provinces and managed face to face meetings to hear and solve people's problems."
Mentioning that the elected president has worked in the judicial system for nearly forty years, the first deputy Judiciary chief pointed out that it is highly expected that the elected president will solve people's problems, mainly their economic problems, fight with corruption, and remove production obstacles, of course in close cooperation with Parliament and Judiciary.
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Iran defends human rights regardless of color, nationality: Judiciary official
ahmad shirzadian