India braces for another possible surge in infections around its September-November festival season.

Iran PressAsia: During the peak of India’s second wave, Ganga Ram Hospital expanded its capacity by nearly 50 percent to about 600 beds but even so, some 500 patients per day had to be put on a waiting list for admission, according to physician Dr. Varun Prakash, who managed its war room during the crisis.

Nationally, India has added many more hospital beds in the past few months and imported more than 100 oxygen carriers to raise the total to about 1,250, Reuters reported.

Companies such as Linde are planning to lift the country’s overall gas output by 50 percent to 15,000 tonnes a day.

The Indian federal government, meanwhile, has approved the construction of nearly 1,600 oxygen-generation plants at hospitals. However, fewer than 300 had been set up as of early last month as imports take time.

At 33.1 million, India has reported the most number of COVID-19 cases after the United States, with 441,042 deaths. It has administered 698.4 million vaccine doses - at least one dose in 57% of its 944 million adults and two doses in 17%.


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ahmad shirzadian