Macron defends insulting act of the French publication

The ّFrench President defended the insulting action of the French newspaper in republishing insulting and disrespectful caricatures of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).

Iran PressEurope: According to the Associated Press, the French President Emmanuel Macron, on Friday once again defended the brazen and insulting action of 'Charlie Hebdo' in republishing the insulting blasphemous caricatures of the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammad (PBUH) and said: "The French Republic will not allow discriminatory adventures."

Continuing his immoral and anti-Islamic stances, Macron acknowledged the insulting act of the French publication and added: "Freedom in France includes freedom to believe or not, but this cannot be separated from a freedom which includes the right to blasphemy."

'Charlie Hebdo' magazine has republished insulting caricatures of Islam's Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a new impudence last Tuesday.

France considers blasphemy to be a measure of freedom of expression. However, it is one of several Western countries that criminalize denial of the alleged Holocaust.

The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemned the reprinting of the blasphemous caricatures of Islam's Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by French weekly Charlie Hebdo.


Read More:

Iran condemns reprinting of blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Pakistan slams Charlie Hebdo magazine reprinting Muhammad cartoons

French weekly reprints blasphemous cartoon


Ashkan Salehian