IP- BRICS members, in their final declaration, emphasized the need to resolve the Iranian nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA) by peaceful and diplomatic means in accordance with international law.

Iran PressAsia: BRICS is the acronym coined to associate five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China (PRC), and South Africa. The BRICS members are known for their significant influence on regional affairs. Since 2009, the governments of the BRICS states have met annually at formal summits.

"We reiterate the need to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through peaceful and diplomatic means in accordance with the international law and stress the importance of preserving the JCPOA and the UNSCR 2231 to international non-proliferation as well as wider peace and stability and hope for the success of diplomatic efforts towards the resumption of the JCPOA, BRICS members announced in paragraph twenty-four of their final declaration.

They also expressed their support for negotiations in bilateral and multilateral formats to resolve all issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, including its complete denuclearization and maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

" We reaffirm our commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons and stress our strong commitment to nuclear disarmament and our support to the work on this subject during the session of 2022 of the Conference on Disarmament", the declaration reads.

" We note the Joint Statement of the Leaders of thePeople'ss Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races on 3 January 2022, in particular, the affirmation that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought", the body's members noted in the declaration.

At the official invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping as the periodic president of the BRICS, Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi, attended the BRICS Summit 2022 and a number of countries known as BRICS Plus. The president said Iran's unique political and economic position could make it a stable and reliable partner for connecting BRICS to an energy hub and significant global markets.

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Safeguarding peace and security in Afghanistan

Regarding safeguarding Peace and Security in Afghanistan, the BRICS members announced: We strongly support a peaceful, secure, and stable Afghanistan while emphasizing respect for its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, national unity, and non-interference in its internal affairs. We emphasize the need for all sides to encourage the Afghanistan authorities to achieve national reconciliation through dialogue and negotiation and establish a broad-based, inclusive, and representative political structure.

We reaffirm the significance of relevant UNSC resolutions. We emphasize that the Afghan territory is not to be used to threaten or attack any country, shelter or train terrorists, or plan to finance terrorist acts and reiterate the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan, they reassured.

We call on the Afghanistan authorities to work towards combating drug-related crime to free Afghanistan from the scourge of drugs. We stress the need to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and safeguard all Afghans' fundamental rights, including women, children, and different ethnic groups. 

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"We reiterate our commitment to multilateralism through upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations as its indispensable cornerstone, and to the central role of the United Nations in an international system in which sovereign states cooperate to maintain peace and security, advance sustainable development, ensure the promotion and protection of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and promoting cooperation based on the spirit of mutual respect, justice and equality.", said the members of the BRICS at 14th virtual meeting about strengthening and reforming global governance.

Working in solidarity to combat COVID-19

They also emphasized working in solidarity to combat COVID-19 and announced: We reiterate that it was imperative to ensure the availability of safe, productive, accessible, and affordable diagnostics, medicines, vaccines, and essential medical products to people from different countries especially developing countries, and equitable distribution of vaccines and expeditious vaccination, to fill the immunization gap globally. We support the leading role of the WHO in combating the pandemic and acknowledge initiatives such as the COVAX and the ACT-A.

They also recognized the importance of the discussions in the WTO on relevant IP waiver proposals, as well as capacity building and strengthening local production of vaccines and other health tools, especially in developing countries.

'We stress the need to continue to strengthen the cooperation on testing methods, therapeutic, research, production and recognition of vaccines, the research on their efficacy and safety in light of new variants of COVID-19 virus and recognition of national document of vaccination against COVID-19 and respective testing, especially for purpose of international travel.', BRICS members emphasized. 

We express strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed. We recognize the threat from terrorism, extremism conducive to terrorism, and radicalization. We are committed to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the cross-border movement of terrorists and terrorism financing networks and safe havens.

We look forward to further deepening counter-terrorism cooperation and reaffirming the sole authority of the UN Security Council for imposing sanctions, and calling for further consolidation and strengthening of the working methods of the UN Security Council Sanctions Committees to ensure their effectiveness, responsiveness, and transparency while avoiding politicization of any of their proceedings including listing proposals objectively on evidence-based criteria.

Promoting economic recovery

We recognize the critical role of BRICS countries working together to deal with risks and challenges to the world economy in achieving global recovery and sustainable development.

"We reaffirm our commitment to enhancing macro-economic policy coordination, deepen economic practical cooperation, and work to realize strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive post-COVID economic recovery. We emphasize the importance of continued implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025 in all relevant ministerial tracks and working groups," BRICS members announced in their final declaration. 

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ahmad shirzadian