Goma(Ip): Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. The city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu, was the scene of a virulent demonstration today, where a few young people expressed their anger at the international community, accused of supporting the M23 rebels.

Iran Press/Africa: The demonstration, which took place on the sidelines of the ceremony to pay tribute to the more than 200 displaced people killed by the M23, saw young demonstrators burn the American flag, a symbol of their indignation.

The demonstrators denounce the interference of the international community in Congolese affairs, accusing in particular the United States of supporting the M23 rebels.

They also oppose the deployment of Kenyan troops in North Kivu, claiming that this force, already present as part of the EAC Force, has failed in its pacification mission.

"They have been giving weapons to the militias to kill our people for over 10 years," Djemba Franklin, one of the protesters, told Iranpress. "Today, the international community wants to impose the Kenyan force on us, a force that has failed miserably and now wants to integrate into MONUSCO."The protesters are demanding the unconditional departure of the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), which they consider ineffective and complicit in the atrocities committed by the M23 rebels.

"Without the United States, we can move forward! Without France, we can move forward! We must not endorse security subcontracting," insisted Djemba Franklin.

Amani Fiston, another protester, warned the US: "The US is here to distract us with humanitarian truce stuff, yet they are supporting the enemy on the front lines.

We say no to the arrival of US-backed Kenyan troops because America is playing the chameleon game. They pretend to come and help us, but they are the ones supporting the M23 rebels."The military governor of North Kivu, Major General Peter Cirimwami, also denounced the silence of the international community in the face of the crimes committed by the M23.

"They feel comfortable committing crimes against humanity, genocide and other serious violations of human rights in several cities of our province, and this under the guilty silence of some very influential members of the international community," he told Iranpress.

The protest reflects the growing anger of the Congolese population over the inaction of the international community and the deteriorating security situation in the east of the country. The issue of alleged US support for the M23 risks provoking a diplomatic crisis between the two countries and further complicating the already volatile situation in the region.


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