Sana'a (IP) – The leader of Yemen's Ansarullah, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in his weekly address on the evolving war in Lebanon and Gaza and the latest regional developments, warned against US and Israeli efforts to impose a Zionist project on the Arab and Islamic world.

Iran Press/West Asia: Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi said during Yemen's Martyr's Day commemorations: "We emphasize three themes: strengthening the concept of jihad and the value of martyrdom in God's path, keeping alive the memory of the martyrs, and drawing inspiration from their ways. Martyr's Day arrives amid major events and developments and our people's support for the people of Palestine and Lebanon."

He added: "Our dear people have offered martyrs in the battle of the Promised Victory and the sacred jihad in God's path. From the first day of our Quranic path, in all past stages, within the framework of the position we now hold towards the Israelis and Americans, we have offered martyrs."


Zionist Project: A Threat to Arab Identity


Al-Houthi said: "The enemies of the nation, who follow the Zionist project and its arms, seek to impose their choice on our nation. The Zionist project, which the Americans and Israelis are advancing, is an aggressive project against our nation that confiscates the freedom and independence of the people. The Zionist project is a threat to the nation and an aggression against its identity, religion, independence, freedom, homeland, and wealth."

"Accepting this so-called Zionist project," al-Houthi continued, "means siding with the enemy—the very enemy attacking you and your people. Whether you're a government official or an ordinary citizen, embracing this project makes you a tool for those who would destroy us. This is pure foolishness and a serious threat to our nation."


US Seeks Total Obedience


He stressed the continuing importance of the choice facing Arab nations: "The United States wants you on its side, or you're the enemy. Most Arab governments are choosing cooperation, but they will eventually find themselves targeted."

"Those who embraced the US—politically, in the media, and even religiously—opened their countries to the US military bases and dictates," al-Houthi added. "They paved the way not only for American interests but for direct American control, all to the advantage of Israel."

"The US isn't just pursuing its interests," al-Houthi noted. "It wants Israel as its regional enforcer, controlling everything. The US's ultimate goal is total obedience, a clear path to regional dominance."


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