Iran Press/ Middle East: Receiving signatures of 72 members of the Israeli Knesset, Reuven Rivlin ordered Netanyahu to form the new cabinet.
The order issued after the members of the Israeli Knesset gave positive votes to the formation of Benjamin Netanyahu and Beni Gantz’s cabinet based on the agreement on the rotating premiership.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of Likud party, and Beni Gantz, the head of Blue-and-White party earlier reached an agreement to form a coalition cabinet.
The agreement reached while Gantz had earlier said that he never makes a coalition with such a liar as Benjamin Netanyahu.
Gantz now is in charge of the Knesset and some of the Blue-and-White party members are in charge of a number of the Israeli regime’s ministries.
After battling to three inconclusive elections over the past year and with polls predicting a continued stalemate, Netanyahu and Gantz, a former military chief, announced last month they would join forces through the coronavirus crisis and its severe economic fallout.
Netanyahu has been indicted with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in a series of scandals involving trading favours with wealthy media moguls. His trial is set to start later this month.
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