Kabul (IP) – A group of Afghan women condemned the killing of Shia Muslims and Hazaras in the streets of the west of Kabul.

Iran PressAsia: These Afghan women and girls chanted the slogans "Genocide is a crime, silence is treason" and "Stop the Hazara genocide" in this demonstration on Saturday.

Taliban forces controlled the demonstration of protesting women, and with their intervention, this street protest ended.

News sources reported that the Taliban forces beat the demonstrators.

Also, on Saturday, in several other areas of Kabul, protesting girls chanted, "Security is our right, death to the genociders."

The female students of the Kabul Education University also stressed stopping the "Hazara genocide."

Demonstrations of Afghan women and girls were held one day after the bloody terrorist attack at the Kaj educational center in the west of Kabul and the Hazara and Shia areas of the Afghan capital. About 100 people were killed and injured in this terrorist attack.


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