"US is in front of Iranian nation and it is not beside our people. US withdrawal form the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) means that one intruder has left the agreement",Iran's Army Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said in an exclusive interview with Iran Press news agency during International Quds Day rally in Tehran.
"US withdrawal for JCPOA also means that we stay in this path more firmly", the Iranian Commander stated.
"Qods as Muslim's first Qibla is an ideal value and identity. Those who are seeking the destruction of Qods, actually are trying to clear the identity of Muslims in the world", Hossein Khanzadi added.
"Today, the Zionist regime as an arrogance and blasphemy which fight against Islam stand in front of Muslim world, so it is our duty to destroy this blasphemy front", Iran's Army Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi concluded.
The International Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, who designated the day in solidarity with the Palestinians.