Iranian ambassador to UN:

New York (IP) - The Iranian ambassador and deputy Permanent representative to the United Nations described the Islamic Republic of Iran's achievements in empowering women as significant and undeniable.

Iran PressAmerica: Women in Iran play an important role in scientific, cultural, economic, social and educational fields, and this role-playing has been achieved by providing the grounds for the growth of scientific talents and their meaningful presence in universities. The fact that women win 47% of the seats in scientific centers and 27% of the faculty of Iranian universities is a proof of this fact.

Statistical and documentary facts show the fact that women and girls in the developing society of Iran have gained their share in proportion to their status in society, in addition to their important responsibilities as one of the pillars of the family institution, they also have a motivated and strong presence in the field of social, economic, political and scientific activities.

According to Iran press Iran ambassador and deputy Permanent representative to the United Nations to, Zahra Ershadi in the Security Council meeting on women and peace and security, said:

"The Islamic Republic of Iran since its establishment has always considered the promotion of cultural, social, economic, and political status of women and girls as a key element in its policy-making, legislation, and national planning."

She further explained that despite the US illegal and inhumane sanctions, which have negatively affected the financing and executing the programs planned by government, civil society and private sectors aiming at women advancement and empowerment, Iran has remarkable achievements in this area. 

Referring to the fact that women play an undeniable role in dealing with challenges particularly those related to promoting dialogue and confidence in the peace and security process, Ershadi stressed that " It is a well-known fact that encouraging women to engage in the peace process increases the possibility of peace.

Elsewhere Iran's top diplomat referred to the situation experienced by women in West Asia saying: " Palestinian women and girls continue to suffer as a result of the decades-long occupation and human rights violations, as well as the Israeli regime's colonial and Apartheid policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, all of which violate basic rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. "

The Iranian ambassador and deputy Permanent representative to the United Nations referred to the situation experienced by Afghan women saying:

"In Afghanistan, the current situation has severely affected Afghan women's rights, including their political and socioeconomic rights, such as the right to education, work, and political participation. Afghan women’s rights must be respected. The Taliban should heed the international community’s call to protect human rights, particularly women’s rights."


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Maryam Abolbagha