Vienna (IP) - The Representative of Russia in International Organizations in Vienna noted that the West's claims about the presence of the Iranian drones in the Ukrainian war were just a pretext to lock the resumption of JCPOA talks.

Iran PressEurope: Iran's international nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was signed between the country and the P5+1 group, including Russia, China, the UK, France, the US, and Germany in 2015, but the US withdrew from the agreement on May 18, 2018, re-imposing more sanctions on Iran.

In a tweet on Friday, Mikhail Ulyanov wrote: " Alleged supplies of drones is a clumsy excuse for freezing (if not killing) the #ViennaTalks on #JCPOA. Looks like the US + E3 have a temptation to move to “Plan B”."

Calling the measure a big mistake, Ulyanov added: "It’s difficult to expect that such a plan can be a credible option. More likely just a non-starter."

Most of the participating sides in the JCPOA talks want the negotiations to come to fruition as soon as possible, but reaching a final agreement is pending the political decisions of the US regarding several key issues remaining.

As the Western sides in the talks have no authority of their own and are fully sycophant to the very US that scrapped the international JCPOA, the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that if the US acts realistically to fulfill the Iranian nation's logical demands, the agreement will be accessible.

On December 25, 2022, the Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad-Hossein Bagheri reacted to the West's propaganda over using Iranian drones in the Ukrainian war.  

Major General Bagheri noted the fact that Iran is considered one of the top five drone powers in the world, but the world's arrogant powers' propaganda over the use of Iranian drones in the Ukrainian war is a part of the enemies' psychological war.

Also on December 29, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that no evidence of Iranian drone deliveries to Russia.

"The Western countries made a fuss at the UN Security Council about alleged deliveries of Iranian drones to Russia," Lavrov said, adding that he was using the usual "highly likely" language, "but they cannot provide any facts, and they do not even try."


Read More:

AEOI: US sets new conditions in JCPOA negotiations

Iran does not await JCPOA talks forever: FM

China calls for diplomatic efforts of all JCPOA parties


Hossein Vaez