Iran Press/America: The US and its Western allies prepared a draft resolution against Iran simultaneously with the 2022 unrest in Iran, driven by the very Western states, to cancel the membership of Iran in the UN Commission of Women Status (CWS); the resolution was approved in ECOSOC with 29 votes in favor, 8 votes against, and 16 abstentions.
Meeting with Antonio Manuel Revilla Lagdameo on Thursday, Iran's Ensiyeh Khazali said the Islamic Republic of Iran has not only taken unique measures for Iranian women and girls but also for Afghan immigrants living in the country.
Ensiyeh Khazali appreciated CWS' cooperation with Iran in holding bilateral meetings, specialized round tables, and interactive dialogue, which is Iran's next panel to present views about women and family affairs.
The Iranian VP highlighted the Palestinian issue in her talks with the CWS head and said: "One of our concerns is the women and children who are suffering from the conflicts and we have always announced that a ceasefire should be established in Gaza so that aid can be sent to the people in the strip."
She pointed to the rank of Iran in providing healthcare services to the immigrants as an example and said the cancelation of Iran's membership is against the CWS' procedures and if it there is and membership cancelation, it is the Israeli regime that must be expelled from the commission, which has a history of killing thousands of women and children.
The head of CWS, for his part, appreciated the Islamic Republic for providing the Afghan migrants with services and Iran's support for the people of Gaza.
With regard to the return of Iran to the commission, Antonio Manuel Revilla Lagdameo said that is the ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) that will decide on the return of Iran's membership, but the commission is also working for solving the problem.
The Iranian Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Ensiyeh Khazali arrived in New York's John F. Kenedy to on Sunday take part in the 68th annual meeting of the UN Commission on Status of Women.
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