Tehran (IP) - A webinar on victims of terrorism has been held in Tehran on Wednesday attended by the Iranian and foreign thinkers to discuss global threats and violence.

Iran PressIran news: The aim to hold the webinar is to paying attention to the rights of victims of terrors, the right for speech in order to tell the truth, and not to hide it.

The participants stressed that victims of terrorism continue to struggle to have their voices heard, have their needs supported, and their rights upheld.

Victims can only recover and cope with their trauma through long-term multi-dimensional support, including physical, psychological, social, and financial, in order to heal and live with dignity.

The thinkers stated that the enemies are trying to westernize the world to achieve their goals.

Also, Charlie Abdu's act, Arab States- Israel normalization of relations has been condemned.

Tara O'grady, human rights defender from North Sentinel Island talked about the COVID-19 outbreak saying that the coronavirus is a global crisis, so everyone must wear masks to protect others. It is a duty for humans to wear in order not to harm others.  

The United Nations has an important role in supporting Member States to implement Pillar I and IV of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy through standing in solidarity and providing support to victims, capacity-building assistance, establishing networks of, and offering support to, civil society organizations, particularly victims of terrorism associations, and encouraging the member states to promote, protect and respect the rights of victims. 

The United Nations has been working to provide resources, mobilize the international community, and better address the needs of victims of terrorism.


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