Iran Press/America: US-backed opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia claimed to have won 67% of the vote and accused Maduro of rigging the results. The authorities in Caracas, however, said that Maduro won 52% of the vote and certified the election in his favor.
On Thursday, the court said it “indisputably certified election materials and validates the results of the July 28, 2024 presidential election issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE),” according to presiding judge Caryslia Rodriguez.
“Your ruling will only make the crisis worse,” Gonzalez said in a social media post, accusing the court of bias and seeking to usurp “the will of the people.”
Caracas has opened a criminal investigation against Gonzalez and other opposition leaders for inciting “insurrection” with their false claims of electoral victory and calls for street unrest.
Hossein Amiri