The eastern states of Florida are announcing their results quickly, and the results indicate that the competition is greatly complicated in a tense battleground.

Iran PressAmerica: In areas such as Pinellas, a densely populated area near Tampa Bay, Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in 2016. Donald Trump had won the province by a margin of 1%. With Biden announcing the results with about 75% of the vote, Biden leads with 52% to 46%.

According to US New York Times, polls have shown a close race between Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has sought to appeal to a range of voters in the state, including older people, Cubans-Americans, Puerto Ricans and Haitian-Americans.

Both Trump and Biden have competed vigorously for support from Hispanic voters, with the Trump campaign seeking to maximize its support from Cuban-Americans by trying to brand Biden as a vessel for socialism despite his moderate reputation. Biden has tried to win over older voters dissatisfied with Trump’s handling of the coronavirus

Florida has once again assumed a familiar place at the center of the presidential election. It is crucial for President Trump after he won the state by just over a percentage point in 2016. Last year, Mr. Trump declared himself to be a Florida resident, and he voted in person in Palm Beach County in October.

seyed mohammad kazemi