Iran Press/ Iran news: The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanaani, in his presser on Monday, answered the questions of the journalists while explaining the latest developments in the field of foreign policy.
In response to a question regarding Europe's need for energy and the issuance of a statement by three European countries and Iran's response, Kanaani said:" Why Europe is unwilling to use Iran's energy capacities to meet a part of its people's needs despite their need for energy and their people's need for better conditions, is a question that European statesmen should answer."
The official highlighted: "Iran naturally, as an important and prominent player in the field of the big energy market, has the ability to provide part of the energy market's needs."
The spokesperson stated: "This action of three European countries was incorrect and ill-considered at the same time and was caused by miscalculation by the European side. In the process of the current negotiations, Iran made every effort to act creatively and constructively and pave the way for the agreement. The agreement is a two-way path and it was expected that the negotiating parties would act constructively in this direction."
Kanaani stressed: "What they are proposing which related to Iran's nuclear activities, has been proven that the nature of Iran's nuclear activities is peaceful. The summary of 2015 and the year of signing the agreement and after that, the repeated reports that the IAEA gave all indicated that Iran's nuclear activities were peaceful."
"In terms of safeguards," he added: "As much as it was and is a firm supporter of nuclear disarmament, Iran is committed to non-proliferation and insists on the non-discriminatory and impartial implementation of the safeguards system by the IAEA. We always emphasize that the IAEA should do its duties in a professional manner and without the pressure of third parties, especially regarding baseless accusations presented by a regime that is not committed and is not a member of the comprehensive system of safeguards."
In response to a question about the IAEA's Board of Governors meeting and the possibility of issuing an anti-Iranian resolution, the spokesman said: "As far as we know, no draft resolution has been submitted for the meeting. We believe that any repetition of non-constructive action similar to the previous non-constructive action in the IAEA will again result in non-constructive action. We hope that some countries for whom the agency's reputation is important will not sacrifice its reputation as a technical and specialized non-political organization for their own political views and interests."
He said: "We hope that the director general of the agency will play his professional role in this field and pay more attention to maintaining the reputation and professional and specialized status of the agency. We expect a constructive approach from the agency and members of the board of governors. Iran adjusts any actions and reactions related to future developments in accordance with the developments that will take place in the agency."
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"It is unfortunate that the three countries who issued this statement, instead of responding positively to Iran's constructive actions on the way to reaching an agreement and instead of thanking and appreciating Iran's constructive role in cooperating with the Agency, were unfortunately influenced and pressured by a regime that is not a member of any comprehensive safeguard systems of the IAEA and unfortunately they were on the path of a non-constructive approach."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman stated: "Our advice to the European partners of the Vienna talks process is to take a constructive path and make up for the past mistakes and try to pave the way for an agreement in a constructive and complete way."
Kanaani stated: "Iran has declared that is ready to continue constructive cooperation with the IAEA and is ready to cooperate with the IAEA in removing fake and unreal images regarding its peaceful nuclear activities. We emphasize that cooperation with the agency is both in the way of rights and in the way of assignments. Just as Iran has duties, it also has rights."
Commenting on this year's Arbaeen march, he said: "This year, despite some problems, such as the record high temperature, a flock of devotees and lovers from Iran and all over the world made their way to the land of Iraq in different ways, and they are still going through this route on their way to Karbala. It is a magnificent event and a great global gathering for all free people of all religions."
The spokesman noted: "We thank the Iraqi government and nation as the worthy hosts of this great world conference once again. For the generous hosting of Iranian pilgrims as well as all pilgrims from neighboring countries and far corners of the world. This level of generous hospitality takes place every year, and this year despite the problems, they are serving and hosting the pilgrims of Imam Hussein, which deserves appreciation."
Kanaani, regarding Yemen and Spokesman for Yemen's Ansarullah Movement Mohammed Abdul-Salam's visit to Tehran, noted: "We are in favor of the continuation and consolidation of the ceasefire process in Yemen, but what can help to consolidate the ceasefire process is lifting the blockade of Yemen and providing the needs of the nation under the siege of Yemen."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman also stated about the situation in Afghanistan and Afghan students in Iran: "female students and pupils of this country were banned from studying. One of the important dimensions of Iran's relations with the governing body of Afghanistan is providing for the needs of the Afghan people. Iran hosts one of the largest numbers of Afghan refugees and has been hosting several million Afghan refugees for years, and in the past year, a large amount has been added to the number of Afghan brothers and sisters. We made many of our national facilities available to Afghan citizens."
The official said, "Iran has provided facilities to these loved ones for education. Iran's possibilities are limited, but at the same time, there is also the responsibility of the international community. The amount of aid that Iran receives in this field is very small, and over the past years, Iran has provided a large part of its facilities to these loved ones with a humane perspective, and the international community should pay more attention to this issue."
The spokesman about postponing the nuclear negotiations until after the congressional elections in the US noted: "We have not received such a request until now."
Regarding Saudi Arabia's approach these days, including supporting the Albanian government's action in cutting ties with Iran and arresting an Iranian pilgrim, he said: "Countries in the region need to take measures to strengthen peace, stability, and tranquility in the region. Naturally, stability in the region is the basis for economic development. It is an issue that needs and attention of all countries in the area.
He said about the recent claim of the Albanian government: "Iran has been exposed to cyberattacks many times and in this context, some of the parties have implicitly announced their role. It is unfortunate that in the situation where cyberattacks have attacked Iran's nuclear infrastructure, we did not see any reaction from the other countries, but in the case of Albania, in the shortest time, we have seen statements or claims that have not been proven and probably will not be proven. The government of Albania, as the host of a known terrorist organization, makes claims against Iran with the background of other parties, which seems to be a planned scenario from the beginning. Iran previously announced to the Albanian government after filing the claim that it is technically ready to help this government to resolve the ambiguities related to this issue and to provide this country with its capabilities in the cyber field to clarify the dimensions of the case."
In response to another question about legal action in response to the movement of the Albanian government, he also stated: "We reject any participation in cyberattacks, both in the previous and recent claims. We are a country that has been repeatedly attacked by cyberattacks. As a country exposed to these attacks, we are aware of the damage caused by these attacks, and we naturally condemn resorting to such methods. In terms of cyber capabilities, we use our power to protect our infrastructure. Such accusations are directed not from Albania but from thousands of kilometers away. The Albanian government is placed in a scenario that third parties design. We deny Iran's role in such an attack and strongly condemn any accusation against Iran."
What can help to create stability in the region is paying attention to the national and public interests of the area. Focusing on the necessity of using collective capacities to create better conditions in the region, we have always emphasized that we are ready to interact and talk with the neighboring and friendly countries in the area to create better conditions for securing the interests of the countries in the region. Adopting non-constructive and corrupt policies in the path of negotiations is not helpful."
Kanaani said: "We still emphasize the path of interaction, and we expect all the region's countries to take steps on the path of interaction. In the case of Saudi Arabia, considering Iran's view of using regional capacities, we entered into a dialogue, and it continued in five stages. Agreements were reached, and with the implementation of the agreements, the ground will be provided for the next meetings at other levels. Our emphasis is on adopting constructive approaches, and Iran will respond proportionately to any constructive action and step."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said about the Shanghai Summit in Samarkand and Iran's permanent membership in this organization: "Practical steps are being taken for Iran's membership in this organization. As a multilateral regional organization, this organization has many economic, technical, transit and energy capacities. Iran, as an important regional country with important energy resources and economic capacities, and located on the North-South corridor route, has many capacities that can be aligned with the organization's goals. Membership in this organization is a two-way benefit and expedient for both Iran and the country, which with its huge capacities, is aimed at the various economic, commercial, and transit goals of this organization and the organization's energy-related goals. The membership process is being completed, and in the upcoming meeting, the memorandum of Iran's commitments to receive the status of the organization's member state will be officially signed."
The spokesman was asked about US Secretary of State Blinken's remarks, which claimed that the US has filled some gaps in the negotiations and that Iran has failed to meet some external requests unrelated to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which Kanaani stated: "Iran's response has already been given with regard to issues unrelated to the JCPOA and we are waiting to receive an official response in this regard. What is related to Iran, and we have always emphasized, is that the US administration's officials need to take constructive action to reach an agreement."
The official noted: "We have emphasized that a country that unilaterally withdrew from the agreement signed in 2015 and prevented the achievement of an agreement based on common interests in the agreement process, and by imposing illegal, unilateral and irrational sanctions, caused a lot of costs to the Iranian administration and the nation of Iran. It is the US that has to prove that it is a reliable member to return to the agreement process. It is the US administration that must prove that it is not a law-breaking and crisis-creating regime. It is the US that must prove that it adheres to international norms and respects international norms."
Kanaani noted: "In the response given to the coordinator, the Islamic Republic of Iran did not raise any new issues that would hinder the formation of the agreement and the conclusion of the agreements, and did not raise any new demands. If the other parties want to engage in psychological warfare to reach concessions, Iran will neither bow to avarice nor withdraw from its red lines."
Iran's foreign ministry spokesman regarding the Israeli regime's new documents to the IAEA noted: "This regime has never played a constructive role in the negotiation process and its destructive role was always clear. The expectation from the negotiating parties of the Vienna process is to prioritize the interests of their people and their national interests and not to be influenced by the non-constructive and destructive behavior of this regime"
"We emphasize the need to pay attention to maintaining the international multilateral mechanism for settlement and warn that the role of this regime can be destructive," Nasser Kanaani stated.
The official regarding the agreement between Iran, Russia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan and that the North-South Corridor route should be completed sooner and the Rasht-Astara railway line should be accelerated, noted: "Mr. Safari, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy, gave sufficient information and statistics in this regard. Regarding the completion of this transit route and the remaining rail route in the Rasht-Astara section, there is an agreement between the three countries to complete the implementation of this part of the project. The future perspective of this route is bright and encouraging, and it is a route that is economical from the point of view of economic and transit experts, both in terms of time in transferring goods and reducing costs. There is a common will between Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia to complete the remaining parts and increase the exploitation capacity."
He added: "The prospect of using this route and the role it can play in the transit of goods is clear."
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Zohre Khazaee