South Korea called in Iran's ambassador Monday after an Iranian newspaper called Tehran to block Seoul ships in the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran PressAsia: South Korea's deputy foreign minister, Yeo Seung-bae, summoned Iranian Ambassador Saeed Badamchi Shabestari and conveyed concerns about a published contribution in the Kayhan newspaper that Iran should block Korean ships in the strait due to disputes over Tehran's assets frozen here under US sanctions.

During the meeting, the Iranian envoy said the newspaper's contribution was not in line with Tehran's official stance and briefed Yeo about Iran's stance over the matter, according to Seoul's foreign ministry.

South Korea owes about $ 8 billion to purchase gas condensate from Iran, which it has refused to pay since 2018 under the pretext of the US sanctions.

Western media claim that the country needs the permission of the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to repay the debt.


Read more:

Seoul must compensate Iran's blocked money losses: ex-Amb.


Zohre Khazaee