Tehran (IP) - Emphasising the necessity of planning all necessary arrangements and infrastructures to facilitate the presence of Arba'een pilgrims, the President urged the relevant institutions to be active in this direction with a spirit of jihad and use all the capacities of the public headquarters.

Iran PressIran News: Speaking at today's meeting of the cabinet, commemorating the anniversary of the return of prisoners of war (PoW) to the Islamic homeland, Ebrahim Raisi said: "Prisoners of war are a symbol of resistance, patience, endurance and standing of the Iranian nation and they made the country proud in the most difficult days."

The President considered it necessary to appreciate and explain the bravery of the PoWs for the people and the young generation of the country and emphasised, "Those who kept the message of the Imam and the Islamic Revolution at the peak of their exile and hardships and did not deviate from Islamic ideals, are the true heroes of the nation."

Raisi also emphasised the necessity of using the popular capacities in the huge Arba'een public gathering and added, "All government departments should perform their duties in facilitating people's presence with all their might and consider the public headquarters as their helpers".

Raisi stressed the necessity of planning all the necessary preparations to hold the Arba'een procession as grandly as possible, and added: "It is necessary for all institutions to be jihadist, both in terms of diplomatic consultations with Iraq and in providing the necessary infrastructure, in the field of facilitating the Arba'een pilgrimage".

The President also instructed the governorates to take advantage of the great capacity of these groups in holding the Arba'een procession by supporting the popular and jihadist groups in the provinces.

Following up on provincial travel resolutions was the next focus of the President's speech at the government meeting.

Referring to the end of the first round of provincial trips, Raisi considered the follow-up and implementation of the resolutions of these trips as a complementary step in realising the objectives of the trips and urged the Vice-President for Executive Affairs, the Head of the Plan and Budget Organisation and the Minister of the Interior to carefully monitor the process of implementing the resolutions of the provincial trips.


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Maryam Abolbagha