Tehran (IP): Medical sources reported the martyrdom of a Palestinian woman and a child in the city of Tulkarem in the West Bank, and several other people were injured.

Iran Press/West Asia: According to Iran Press, citing Al Jazeera, Amin Khizr, director of Thabet Hospital, announced that 2 people were martyred and 4 people were injured in the attack of the occupying forces on the Nurshams camp in Tulkarem today.

The Ministry of Health of Palestine also announced the martyrs as a woman and a child named Nasreen Zamiri and Mohammad Ali Sarhan, who were martyred by Zionist soldiers.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society, in turn, announced that there was a Palestinian woman among the wounded.

Yesterday, the Zionist army martyred Saeed Al-Jaber, the commander and one of the founders of the Tulkarem Battalion, one of the branches of Saraya Al-Quds, the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, in an airstrike on Noor Shams camp.

The Information Office of the Resistance Committees in Palestine emphasized that the increasing crimes of the Zionist regime in the Holy Land of Palestine will have no result other than increasing the stability and resistance of the Palestinians to continue fighting until the destruction of this usurping and criminal regime.

This Palestinian organization pointed out that the blood of the martyrs will be a trust on the shoulders of all freedmen and Palestinian resistance forces, and the Zionist enemy will sooner or later receive the answer for this crime. 204

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