Iran Press/ Africa: Iran Press correspondent held an exclusive interview with Sheikh Moussa Tchouwat at the Shia Mosque in Komondo in Douala about the Arbaeen occasion.
Douala is a coastal city in southwest Cameroon. Inland from the Wouri River, La Pagode, or the Palace of the Kings Bell, dates from the German colonial period.
The full text is as follows:
Q1. What is the meaning of the Arbaeen procession?
Answer: Thanks to Allah, the Almighty, and peace be upon the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his holy family. Arbaeen means forty days after the martyrdom of the grandson of the holy prophet Imam Hussein, who sacrificed himself in this religion with all his family members and his companions so Islam can reach us. If not for this sacrifice, we would not be alive to find the real Islam which is known today as the Shia Islam.
Journalist: What is the main message behind Arbaeen?
Answer: The main message of Arbaeen is to give value to the sacrifice of the Imam Hussein when they say.
"I did not go out against Yazid, I went out against Yazid in order to form the community of my grandfather. " What does that mean? To show the value of their sacrifice, we have to put into practice all the teachings of Islam. To give value. This Islam means that: let Islam go out of the book, out of the leaves, and be put into practice in our society. Begin with ourselves before we pass it on to the others. The main message: When you want people to follow what you say, you need to show it through your practice of Islam rather than what you say.
This is because good examples are done through practice and Imam Hussein says it in his message Is there anybody to support or to defend me? What does it mean? He said this message when his companions and family members were killed, there was nobody around him. The message was to us who will live after him. In the long run to see this religion. When you see a man assemble others for prayers, you know that Imam Hussein succeeded in his mission.
God is the greatest, if not for this sacrifice, we will not find this "Allah Akbar" in its real form, That is why we say that Imam Hussein has succeeded. To give birth to this is to practice Islam and to valorize the religion.
Journalist: How does the Shiite community here in Cameroon celebrate it?
Answer: We celebrate it by advising, calling people, and reminding people of what God and the holy Imam of the holy family said. We will gather in a given region in Cameroon precisely in the West region where all the Shiites of Cameroon would gather together. There will be speech and Everything to show that IMAM Hussein, we are behind you and we are willing as you have sent your message, we put into practice as you gave up your life so Islam is safeguarded and we understand the value of your sacrifice.
Journalist: With regards to what is happening in the world against Islam, we see in Western countries people burning the Holy Quran. How do you analyze this?
Answer: It is out of ignorance. When someone does not know the value of something, it is like throwing a piece of gold at a dog. Most of them are ignorant, they don't know that the holy Quran comes from the Almighty God who created the Earth and the Heavens and everything that exists. All we have to do is to forgive them and try to call them back to Islam, to the message of IslamCall people to this religion with wisdom and good faith, because many are ignorant.
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