Tehran (IP)- According to the deputy minister of health for treatment affairs, with implementing new restrictions across Iran the number of infections is falling down.

Iran PressIran News: In an exclusive interview with Iran Press on how new restrictions lead to COVID-19 containment, Qasem Janbabaei said that definitely, any step such as a reduction in gathering in the society will reduce the number of the infected people.

Qasem Janbabaei noted that whenever the health protocols were implemented, the disease eased off, but by ignoring them it has surged rapidly.

Fortunately, with the government measures and newly implemented restrictions across the country the virus is containable, he stated.

He highlighted that during these two weeks of lockdown, the number of infections, hospitalizations, and the death toll is reducing, though it is time-consuming.

Also, Iran's Health Minister Saeed Namaki in a separate event stated that fortunately, the coronavirus death toll has been reducing for two consecutive days.

Saeed Namaki in his live speech regarding the latest measures taken to combat the coronavirus said on Sunday that it has been predicted that the number of those who have been infected by COVID-19 infection and the death toll will increase in the countries such as the US and France.

Namaki added that thanks to the cooperation of Iran’s Ministry of interior and the Iranian Operation Headquarters of the National Task Force for Combating Coronavirus, Iran has gained significant achievements to cut down the number of deaths.

"Death toll reduction does not mean to ignore the health protocols", noted the Minister.

Saeed Namaki expressed hope that with people's cooperation the virus will be contained.


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Tehran in lockdown

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